


Hi! 我叫艾莉·艾森伯格,是bet8登录大学的大二学生. I'm pursuing a major in 通知ation Science and considering a concentration in Statistics. 我来自新泽西州的格伦洛克,离学校只有25分钟的路程. I'm passionate about pursuing a career in technology and have gained valuable experience through interning at a Fortune 500 technology company this past summer. bet8网页登录 has been instrumental in providing me with incredible resources to explore and secure these opportunities. 除了成为PCA之外, I am highly involved with the Columbia Women's Business Society and Kappa Alpha Theta. I'm thrilled to collaborate with my peers and make the most of the invaluable support offered by the organization.


Hi! My name is Paloma La Valley and I’m a junior majoring in Political Science with minors in Economics and Spanish & 拉丁美洲文化. 在我作为PCA的角色之外, I’m involved with CIRCA as an Under Secretary-General of Committees for CMUNCE XXII and CMUNNY XVII, Executive Board and founding member of Barnard Investment Group (BIG), 哥伦比亚妇女商业协会, ALPFA@Columbia, 和Alpha Chi Omega. I’m currently working with VC Lab in their Venture Institute program, 但明年夏天我将在摩根大通工作 & Co. 作为企业 & 投资银行暑期分析师. I was also the inaugural recipient of the PIMCO Future Leaders 奖学金 for Barnard, and am beyond excited to help future applicants navigate the process! 在2022年秋季和2023年春季,我是美国国会的立法实习生.S. 参议员柯尔斯滕·吉利布兰德(纽约州民主党). 我喜欢在空闲时间旅行,徒步探索纽约, 寻找有趣的场所, 尤其是珍珠奶茶和独特的拿铁!


你好! I’m Victoria, a junior majoring in Economics and minoring in Biology. Beyond being a PCA, on campus I am a part of the Vietnamese 学生 Association. 在校外, I intern at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and volunteer at the Manhattan 社区 Boathouse. bet8登录从第一天起就支持我, and PCAs were my helping hand throughout my journey of navigating my professional aspirations. 那是我做PCA的第二年, I look forward to hearing about the numerous passions and paths of my peers and how we can support your professional goals.



你好! My name is Emily and I am a senior majoring in computer science with a minor in chemistry. 在校园, I have been involved in the Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs and worked as a teaching assistant for various computer science courses. 从一开始, bet8网页登录 has consistently provided me with invaluable resources and guidance for my career development and personal growth. 这是我担任PCA的第三年, 我很高兴能见到更多的同学, 倾听他们的经历, 并帮助他们实现自己的职业抱负!


Hi! My name is 艾丽西亚Lopez-Guerra (she/her) and I'm a sophomore from San Francisco, California. I'm in the process of combining the sustainable development and political science majors and will additionally be minoring in French. I spent this past summer abroad in France completing a course at Columbia's Reid Hall for my French minor. I worked  as an assistant program manager for the High School Diplomate Program in D.C., and participated in a self-directed research project for the Earth Law Center. 虽然我bet8网页登录还不到两年, bet8网页登录是校园里最有用的工具之一. The office and website have provided me with so much useful information and assistance and I can't wait to support my peers as a PCA. Besides being a PCA, I'm the treasurer for the Columbia Policy Institute and member of the Energy & 环境中心, CULR的作家兼编辑, 也是“艺术家伸出援手”和“萌芽”的志愿者教师.

Elodia Lunn

Hi! I'm Elodia and I'm a sophomore exploring education and ethnic studies. I've learned a lot from the Barnard community and being a PCA is another way to connect with so many amazing people from different backgrounds. bet8网页登录 is a phenomenal resource here on campus and I'm so glad to be a part of it. Beyond academics, I spend my time performing with Columbia's dance group ONYX. 我期待着与您的会面和合作!


你好! 我是Suhani沙玛, a junior majoring in Economics and Political Science with a minor in English Literature. bet8网页登录 and the PCAs have been a central part of my Barnard experience from the very start. Every major application I’ve submitted over the last two years has first passed through the hands of people at the bet8网页登录 office. The office helped me secure a position as a member in the first cohort of the Bridgewater Associates New Pathways Scholars program, 这段经历真正形成了我的职业兴趣. 作为PCA, I am excited to meet with my peers and  aid them in finding experiences through bet8网页登录 that can help them find their passions as well!


你好! 我的名字是比安卡(她/她/她的), and I am a senior from Connecticut double majoring in Human Rights and Political Science. I’m passionate about gender equality and I’m involved in several human rights related organizations on campus, 包括哥伦比亚大学学生人权组织, 国际特赦组织, 她是第一. I plan to one day attend law school and specialize in international human rights law. 作为PCA, I hope to play a part in helping Barnard students figure out how to best navigate their futures and reach their personal career goals. I believe college can be an instrumental time to learn more about yourself, 你的激情, 和愿望. As a result, I look forward to engaging with students in one-on-one sessions.

当我不工作的时候,或者在哥伦比亚大学众多的图书馆里, 你会发现我在中央公园散步, 探索纽约不计其数的书店和博物馆, 或者跳舞(在工作室或和朋友出去)!




嗨,我叫玛雅. 我是一名经济学专业的大二学生. Every interaction with advisors at the bet8网页登录 office always leaves me  feeling so relieved and excited. 现在,我迫不及待地想在今年与他人分享这种感觉. 作为PCA, I look forward to encouraging and helping my peers navigate their career search process, 这通常会让人感到畏惧和不知所措. 如果我不在教室, you can find me spamming my food instagram with new content or performing in Columbia’s sketch comedy troupe "Chowdah."